As noted in the Queensland Closing the Gap (CTG) Snapshot Report Card (2019) the life expectancy gap for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander males was 7.8 years and females 6.7 years, with the child mortality rate 1.7 times higher than that of non-Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living in Queensland.

There is evidence that interpersonal and institutional racism continues to be experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people when accessing healthcare. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Strategy is a pivotal opportunity for us to address these determinants of health.

Community and partner consultation


Read our Health Equity Strategy 2022-2031 [PDF 5057.02 KB].

Implementation plan

Read our Health Equity Implementation plan [PDF 12981.26 KB].


Read our 2023-2024 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Equity Strategy Evaluation 2023-2024 [PDF 4137.16 KB].