Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service (SCHHS) is holding free, 3-hour workshops for parents and carers of children (aged two years and over) who are experiencing difficulties with their bowel, including chronic constipation, withholding/refusal, or soiling.
The workshops are being held on one Friday each school term, and there is also an online workshop option.
SCHHS Occupational Therapist Di Collis said the workshop is about bringing groups of parents together with children who are experiencing similar challenges.
“It lets parents know what is normal, when they should be concerned, why the issues arise and what to do about it,” she said.
“Advice includes medications, establishing a routine, ideas to gain a child’s cooperation and the role of diet and exercise. Ongoing support and assessment options are also shared.”
Research shows the workshops make a positive difference to a child’s quality of life and improves parenting confidence and enjoyment.
“This can be extremely frustrating for parents and confusing for their children, but they do not need to struggle on their own. We are here to help parents as early as possible to prevent long term complications,” Ms Collis said.
The next ‘Pondering Poos’ workshop is on Friday 3rd February from 9:30am to 12:30pm at Nambour Child and Family Health Centre, 5 Waterfall Road Nambour.
The next online workshop is on Friday 3rd March.
If you would like to attend a workshop, contact Child Health Access on (07) 5319 4824.