A Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service nurse has received state-wide recognition for her work in child protection.
Elizabeth Harris, Children’s Plus Health Advisor for children in out of home care, was today awarded the 2022 Queensland Child Protection Award—Professional for her work ensuring children in out of home care receive the healthcare they need.
Ms Harris said historically, children in out of home care had poorer health outcomes and this affected them into adulthood.
“We are trying to address through early intervention, so when they come into care, we take the healthcare to them—into the carer’s home,” she said.
“This means undertaking health and developmental assessments including hearing, dental, eyesight and so on.
“Where children need specialist care, we can refer them on in a timely way and hopefully all of their health needs are met.”
Ms Harris said this program was well received by both carers and children.
“So far we've managed to address the healthcare needs of all of the children in care on the Sunshine Coast,” she said.
“We've had some really good outcomes so far in identifying children that otherwise would have flown under the radar, not been identified and their needs not met.
Ms Harris said she was honoured to receive the award.
“I feel privileged every day working with these kids. To be rewarded and to be recognized for the work is just amazing.”