Sunshine Coast Hospital and Health Service (SCHHS) is celebrating NAIDOC Week from 3–10 July across its facilities, under the theme ‘Get up, Stand up, Show up!’ which calls for all of us to continue to seek systemic change and keep rallying around our mob, our Elders, our communities.
NAIDOC celebrations are held across Australia each July to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
SCHHS Service Director, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health, Sharon Barry said NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for Australians from all walks of life to support their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
“The message this year is that we must stand together to drive change.
“Our ancestors heroically fought for equal rights and even basic human rights; we can’t afford to lose that momentum for change,” Mrs Barry said.
“We still need to push for proper environmental, cultural and heritage protections; we need to call out racism; we need to bridge inequities in health and justice; and we need to lobby for political reform.
“Acknowledgement and good intentions are not enough; we need all Australians to work collaboratively to narrow the gap.
“The relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians needs to be based on justice, equity, and the proper recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights.”
Mrs Barry said everyone was welcome to join SCHHS NAIDOC ceremonies at facilities across the Sunshine Coast and Gympie.
There will also be community events held throughout the week including the Wan’diny family fun day at Nambour on Saturday with live music from Indigenous artists, cultural workshops and traditional dancing. Full details are available in the NAIDOC 2022 Regional Guide.
SCHHS NAIDOC ceremonies:
- Monday 4 July, 11:30 am–1 pm, Sunshine Coast University Hospital, Reconciliation Garden
- Wednesday 6 July, 10–11:30 am, Caloundra Health Service, Reconciliation Garden
- Thursday 7 July, 10:30 am–12 pm, Gympie Hospital, Peaceful Garden
- Friday 8 July, 10–11:30 am, Nambour General Hospital, Kakadu Pagoda
Wan’diny family fun day:
- Saturday 9 July, 10 am–3:30 pm, Quota Park, Nambour.