Free Wi-Fi

To help you stay connected with family and friends during your stay, we have a free Wi-Fi service for patients, families and visitors.

Network name: QH-FreeWiFi

You don't need a password.

This is a free service and works on most Wi-Fi enabled devices at the following locations:

Accessing the Wi-Fi network

Choose the 'QH-FreeWiFi' network on your device.

Read the terms and conditions. Once you agree and accept, you'll be connected.

You'll need to re-accept the terms and conditions after 12 hours of ongoing use, or if your device is inactive for more than 30 minutes.

For more information please read the Queensland Health Wi-Fi Internet Terms of Use that appear on your device when you connect to QH-FreeWiFi.

What websites can't be viewed and why?

Due to network capacity, streaming websites for movies, radio, TV and other on-demand content such as Netflix may not work.

Using your mobile

You can use your mobile phones in most areas of the hospital, including your room. We'll let you know if you can't use them.

Public telephones

Public telephones take either coins or cards and are located at convenient positions around the hospital.

Queensland Health supplies bedside phones for patients. Instructions on how to use them are on the telephone handset.

The system uses a Telstra Phoneaway card, which you can buy at the information desk.

TV and radio

Televisions are mounted at each bed in most wards at the following hospitals:

These offer normal television and radio channels. Charges may apply, for further information please discuss with ward staff.

At Gympie Hospital, televisions are available in ward lounge rooms.

You can bring your own radios and tape recorders but you must use them with earphones. All electrical equipment must be electrically tested and tagged. We need to make sure they're safe to be connected to the hospital's power outlets.

We don't accept responsibility if you lose any of your items.