Each financial year, the SERTF Committee decides on the funding to allocate to the Wishlist-SERTF Research Grants program. The SERTF Committee and Wishlist work together to determine the opening date for each year's grant rounds.

A number of the 2019 successful Wishlist/SERTF Research Grant recipients, being presented with their awards at Research Day 2019.

Assessment process

We'll assess grant applications using these four broad steps.

  1. Eligibility check
  2. Assessment by at least one independent and objective reviewer
  3. A moderation panel compiles scores and feedback from reviewers
  4. The Wishlist and SERTF Committee make their final funding decisions

Each grant has its own criteria for who's eligible and how reviewers will assess them.

For information about grant rounds, guidelines and more, contact our Research Grants Officer via email SC-Research-Grants@health.qld.gov.au.